blueswaterlnLetham Nights #48 – The Review

‘The blues had a baby and they named it rock n roll’. Well, who are we to argue with Muddy Waters? Nobody, that’s who. In fact, we’d like to think we’re in pretty good with the Hoochie Coochie Man, wherever he might be, and you can bet a dime to a dozen that the big man was looking down beneficently on our wee jamboree for Letham Nights 48.

naomilnFirst up was the ludicrously talented Naomi Iris from Perth. Her soaring, soulful vocals and beautiful guitar and piano playing belie her tender years. From thoughtful opener, TV Screen Neighbours, right through a pitch perfect interpretation of KT Tunstall’s Other Side of The World, Naomi left us all hushed in rapt appreciation of this musical butterfly unfurling her creative wings. We can only hope the sky is large enough to contain her talent. Lovely stuff.

blueswaterln2And so, to The Blueswater, and what a rollicking, frolicking, be-bop-a-lollocking good time frenzy of riffs, licks, stomps, wails, rhythm, blues, rock aaaaaaaaaaand roll they have in their locker. Yes, Felipe Schrieberg and his motley band of blues rock n roll desperadoes treated us to a sensual journey through the USA from 50s Chicago to 20s Mississippi via Louisiana and a few stops in between. With fellow travellers, Simon Gibb holding it down on drums, Gordon Jones wailing away on harp, Charlie Wild on searing electric guitar and Jed Potts shredding axes, both four strings and six, this is a band that can lay down some serious sonic foundations. And Felipe can wail, baby!

nicole-smit2And we can’t forget the combo’s secret weapon, long-time collaborator, Nicole Smit. What. A. Voice. Like a delicious scoop of honeycomb ice-cream covered in hot butter sauce, Nicole owns the microphone. Her version of Etta James’ I Just Wanna Make Love To You was a low-key highlight and Bonnie Raitt’s Love Me Like A Man (with Charlie showing some serious solo blues chops) was unassailable. Cue the whirling, swirling, acceleration towards the heaving, sweating, dance-floor wetting finale. Y’ dancing? Y’ asking? Oh, hell, yeah!

Check out The Blueswater here >>